5:15 pm -- I got though the part about picking up Shaun and I found myself basically giving his whole backstory. The chapter is up to 6000 words and I feel it needs another sex scene; I think what I need to do is get them to Chelan -- which I am changing the name to Lausanne for some reason I haven't really thought out. However the next thing that has to happen is that they have to meet Bart and Seth. Since that would feel like too many new characters I think I'll remember what happened in Catch-22 and just let this be the Shaun chapter. I can bring in Seth and Bart at the end, maybe, but I don't need to talk extensively about them and fully introduce them as characters.

So I guess the next thing to do is to wrap up this chapter with some action or dialogue that helps illuminate Shaun. And ideally it should foreshadow or indicate some crucial character trait of his that will become important later. To do that will take some thinking.

Up to 12,271 words. About 2800 today, 6000 for Friday-Saturday-Sunday. Not bad.

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