A bit at a loss, my attention fragmented. I've squandered the morning time when Cris is still asleep, and now she's up. I'm working at home all week, but there's not much virtue in that, as most of my attention is taken by Cris, the house, the cats, etc. -- which is why I have an office. But as I'm here, I really ought to try to pay attention.

Q: What is the important thing to think about w.r.t. Denny, in addition to the main plot points?
A: His subplot.
Q: Which is?
A: His wife Marianne has just left him, he's started using junk again, and he has to decide what to do next. Because he is indomitably wealthy, it's not a matter of how to survive financially, only emotionally and physically.
Q: How will going back on heroin affect him?
A: It won't, in the short run -- i.e. for the purposes of the book.
Q: So do we have to talk about it?
A: Only in passing, perhaps as we take leave of Denny for the last time.
Q: So the main thing to think about is what?
A: His emotional state with his wife leaving him.
Q: But that's affected by...?
A: His emotional state is affected, i.e. muted, by going back on junk. So we'll have to acknowledge that.
Q: Then what's the main thing?
A: As I've said before: he's searching for meaning in his life -- more so now, since he's lost two relationships -- and for some sort of redemption.

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