More thinking about characters.

Doc / DonThe smart scientist type; possible father figure; PhD, software millionaire, owns the cabinHe might talk about something that’s happened there at the cabin. Maybe in the past he brought up strippers. As a smart scientist type, he wants to break loose, but observes -- has trouble joining in, maybe.
Happy / HarryA happy man; he has enough in life, but during the events here, he is tempted!This is the one most likely to be in a suburban setting, and why not. A little reminiscent of John Updike, complete with the anal sex.
Grumpy / GregType-A personality; that guy at the sushi bar in Las Vegas.This guy’s story has to be about a prostitute, someone he hired. Perhaps he has a customer service issue with her. Or maybe something to do with the mob in Vegas.
Sleepy / ShaunUnder-achiever, slacker; in a way, also a hedonist; in the morning he meditates, but as the day wears on he becomes more hedonistic. Each night he experiences a desire to shed all the attachments he gathered during the day.Something hippyish here. Or no -- burning man! Two sisters maybe?

What about putting N. in here -- maybe N. and S., just for contrast. But actually I could use any six-foot tall skinny girl with big tits in a cowboy hat.
Dopey / DustyNeurotic; drug addict; also in business, but often self-sabotages.Very urban. This could be the darkest, but let’s say it only starts out suggesting that, but actually takes place in a bucolic setting, against type.
Sneezy / SethAllergic to things, he’s bookish; tries to over-achieve; Schlemiel. He is allergic to being in the woods. but he Understands The Ladies.This might be the guy who tells the story about O. - cum - A. Thus *this* one is the most urban setting. Make this the story about the guy who has a lap dancer as a girlfriend, to the surprise of the other men.
Bashful / BartThe quiet nerdy guy; He is a software coder, has worked for Don in the past, but they had a falling out (subplot here!)Work in an online/internet aspect to this one. Also maybe at a sex party. Maybe I make the main girl here a sort of Badger proxy. The Silicon Valley setting is actually kind of suburban.

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