Thinking about characters.

Greg doesn’t like Shawn and Dusty because they are his opposites, but Shawn and Dusty are distinguishable. Shawn is the slacker, easy-going type; Dusty is neurotic, possibly a little obsessive-compulsive.

Seth and Dusty are both neurotic, but Dusty is more anxious and obsessive-compulsive, while Seth is more of an introvert.

However, Seth is not as introverted as Bart. Bart is a network nerd. He, also, is wealthy, because he worked for Netscape and then for Google. But he does not have an ostentatiously wealthy lifestyle like Don.

Don is more a scientist than a business success -- he is a Silicon Valley millionaire, not the (acquantance 1) type but the sort-of smooth type. He's a CTO but has managed to smooth himself out -- a little like Ford or that guy who was the head of inet.

Greg is more the classic type-A business type, but he’s not as successful as Don or even as wealthy as Bart. He is a very minor real estate developer -- he redevelops strip malls and old shopping centers. Keep in mind that guy you sat next to at the sushi bar in Las Vegas as the prototype for Greg.

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