Setting up office. Thinking about characters, what their stories are.

Theme emerging: temptation. Each character either/both is tempted or tempts others (sometimes other of the characters, sometimes only those in his story, sometimes those in his job).

Nascent outline:
  1. Friday. Drive up to Bend. Introduce main premise, the weekend with college buddies hosted by one of them who’s rich. Meets a girl in Bend and has an erotic encounter.
  2. Saturday. Arrive in Chelan, meets three of the other men: Seth, Dusty and Bart. After the two others go to bed, Dusty tells a story.
  3. Sunday. Ferry ride up the lake: Hap witnesses a conversation between Dusty and Bart. Seth inside looking a little green.
    Arrival at dock. Doc and Greg there in an SUV.
    Arrival at cabin. Shaun is alone there.
    Dinner. General ribald atmosphere, no long story, but a lot of dirty talk.
  4. Monday.
    Hap glimpses Bianca early morning, no interaction.
    Golf. Continuation of ribald atmosphere. After match, mixed talk of business and sex. Perhaps a sort of power game here where choosing to talk about one means you can avoid the other.
    Evening: after dinner, Bart tells a story involving his online business.
  5. Tuesday.
    Another glimpse of Bianca, no interaction, but we get some explanation.
    Bart's additional details.
    Because he is competing for Don’s attention, Greg tells a story.
  6. Wednesday.
    This time, an actual short conversation with Bianca. Hap invites himself on a shopping trip with her, then discovers Seth has been taking her already (earlier in the week).
    Tension between Bart and Greg, and also between Shaun and Greg, between Dusty and Greg. No lone seems to like Greg much. But they all have to be nice to him for a reason.
    Hap tells a story tonight. Then in contrast to him, Shaun does as well.

In order to extend that, I'll need to know more about the conflicts and all.

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